RISE Family Nights
Storytime Village brings fun and engaging literacy programming to schools to support family engagement and provide tools and resources to parents and guardians, the child first and most important teacher.
Taste of Storytime
We can tell stories in all sorts of different ways, and a kitchen adventure is just another story to share. Cooking empowers children and encourages literacy in many different areas like reading, writing, math, science, technology, nutrition, and health. The Taste of Storytime programs gets families learning about these subjects in the kitchen together, This program also inspires families to grow their own fruit and vegetables. Stay tuned for the Taste of Storytime cookbook which will be coming to a cookie at you!

Family Events
Throughout the year, Storytime Village hosts multiple events to engage the families in our community while raising literacy awareness. These events include a Christmas- time Cookies with Santa event at Fairmount Park, Storytime in the Park, and Día de los Niños, Día de los Libros. The latter is celebrated each April to encourage all young readers to develop a joy for reading; all children, all cultures, and all languages. Most of our family events throughout the year include in-person celebrations and book distributions.